From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
The trimester comes to an end at the end of the month. Help your
children pace themselves by encouraginig them to start studying
before the night before the test.Also, please remind your children
to obtain and submit their community service hours.
Course selection sheets, reregistartion forms and deposits, and
lunch orders are due today. You can print out a copy of the these
forms by clicking on the appropriate link to the right.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Week in Review |
This week, our Girls Choir received standing
ovations at 2 performances. Yesterday, a coach bus was sent
and kosher food was provided for the choir for the Jewish
Federation's Lion of Judah elegant luncheon at Mizner Grande.
Last Sunday, the choir performed in North Miami Beach at the
Shaaray Tefillah Day of Learning for Women.
The junior barbeque (pictured above) and
scavenger hunt program on Tuesday was a fun, bonding
experience for all. Thanks to Rabbi and Mrs. Spodek for
hosting the entire grade, Rabbi and Mrs. Schneider for
participating, and to junior Shayna Hoenig for creating an
intricate and challenging game.
At the end of davening on Tuesday, the students watched a
moving video about our Tzedaka and Chesed Committee's
next charity, Chai Lifeline. Through the Chesed Committee,
student volunteers will be reading and taping childrens books
for young cancer patients who are too exhausted from
chemotherapy to read themselves. Through the Tzedakah
Committee, students are selling Snapple soft drinks in school
(a brisk business!). The profits of these sales are going to
Chai Lifeline.
Today, Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh Kollel of
Yeshiva University, will be delivering shiurim at school.<
The junior class will be selling single, half dozens and
dozen roses throughout the school day today and every
Friday .
Also today, Mrs. Greer's sophomore honors English class
is scheduled to meet and hear New York Times correspondent
Stephen Dubner.This past summer, the students read Mr.
Dubner's book "Turbulent Souls", which depicts his return to
Judaism after his parents converted to Catholicism.The
students will be presenting essays they wrote about the book
to the author. Thanks to Brandeis University National Women's
Committee who invited our students as their guests.
On Saturday night, students in all grades are invited
to be participants and/or spectators at the sophomore
class' faculty bowlathon fundraiser from 9:00 PM to 12:00
AM at Don Carters Bowling Alley. Take Military Trial north of
Palmetto Park to Town Center Road. Make a right turn and then
a quick left.
here for more Mall Madness photos »
Doubleheader Victory & Tennis
News |
the presence of a large crowd of students, parents and friends
on Saturday night, our Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball Teams
were victorious against Donna Klein. After an amazingly close
first half, our boys team ran to a 30 point lead in the
third quarter. Danny Krasna and Daniel Poliak had a huge
number of rebounds. The entire team was able to play, and Hudi
Moscowitz made a valliant effort at dunking at the end of the
The Girls Team won by a commanding 67-13, with
amazing rebounds by Elana Kasztl and Shira Pritzker and great
defense by Sarah Ben Simon. Freshmen Mimi Begas, Ilana Singer,
and Sahar Zaghi had a great game.
The YHS Storm Boys and Girls Tennis Teams played
their first 2 meets. The Girls Team won their singles matches
5-2. Congrats to Rachel Begas, Ilana Borzak, Rachel Dolgow and
Jeniffer Marder. The doubles team of Rachel Begas and Rachel
Dolgow won their match. Jordan Lieber won his match as well.
In second meet, against Zion Lutheran- the girls
swept- Rachel Begas (8-1), Ilana Borzak (8-1), Rachel
Dolgow (8-0), Jeniffer Marder (8-0), and Amanda Schiff (8-1).
They also won both their doubles matches. Jordan Lieber (8-0)
and Avi Amsalem (8-0) won their individual and doubles
matches. The boys teams were tied when the match was called on
account of darkness, to be continued the the next time we play
that team.
The First YHS Boys JV Invitational Tournament and
Shabbaton will take place Friday-Sunday, March 7- 9.
Athletes from schools as far as New Jersey will be
Next Week at YHS |
Rabbi Spodek's GS and GH classes will be kicking off a
canned food drive for Boca Helping Hands.
On Monday, February 24, Dr. Jeff Gurock,
American Jewish history expert and professor at Yeshiva
University, will be speaking to the junior class about the
movie he will be in South Florida to film, Jews in Sports, and
the window of understanding it opens on American Jewish
On Monday night, the first of our series of Parent
Education Workshops will take place with Dr. Jaime Huysman
at the school from 7:00-8:00 PM. There will be sessions in
Hollywood on April 30 and May 28- more information to follow.
The Junior Class is accepting pre-play flower orders
for roses which will be available at the theater at both
performances of Annie. You may call Shoshana Turk at
561.504.8311 to place orders for $1 per rose, $5 per half
dozen or $10 per dozen.
Over 300 seats have already been sold for the YHS
production of the musical "Annie", which will take
place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday,
February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray Beach. Director
Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have been hard at
work on what promises to be an excellent performance. Ticket
prices are $25 for premium seats, $15 for adults and $10
children ages 4-12. Please call Lorys Stiel at the school to
purchase "will-call" tickets that can be picked up at the
theatre that night.
Thursday evening, over 80 students will be going to hear
former CNBC commentator Ambassador Alan Keyes as guests
of the Community Kollel and Boys Town Jerusalem. Tickets are
available from either organization's office for the 8:00 PM
program, which will take place at Congregation Bnai Torah on
SW 18th Street in Boca.
here for Directions to Annie »
March and Beyond at YHS |
Rav Motti Alon will not be coming to Florida in
February but will hopefully visit later this year.
The sophomore class will be traveling to New
York Sunday morning, March 2 to participate in Yeshiva
University's SOY (Student Organization of Yeshiva) Sefarim
On one day before Purim, the CIA will be taking over the
bakery of the Albertsons Supermarket in Boca Raton to make
decorate cookies for a bake sale. Details to follow.
Please save the date of Purim night, Monday, March 17,
for our annual Purim Chagigah at the Embassy Suites in
Boca. Invitations to follow.
Mazel tov to Dr. & Mrs. Jay Adler and Dr. & Mrs.
Merv Jacobs on their being honored at our annual dinner,
which will take place on Sunday, May 18 at the Westin
Hotel in Fort Lauderdale.
I'd like to remind everyone that graduation is
on Tuesday evening, June 10 (not on Sunday, June 1).
| |
Space Shuttle Columbia Is Not Forgotten at
Students are answering the call of our
Committee on Israel Action (CIA) to buy trees to be planted in
the forest in memory of Colonel Ramon and the other
astronauts. Upon purchase, a "leaf" with the student's
name is added to this "tree" in the entryway to the school. In
a transmission from space, Colonel Ramon asked Jews worldwide
to plant trees in a forest in Israel in his honor.